It’s Time to Cancel Diet Culture!
If everything and everyone can get cancelled, can we cancel diet culture, too?
Can we cancel all the misguided food documentaries that are better at making emotion provoking movies than they are at actually giving us nutritional advice?
The wild part is that these diet culture movies even sway the opinions of medical doctors on their dietary advice...
I’ve talked to too many people whose doctors have suggested that a plant based diet would solve all of their problems.
Only to find themselves getting weaker, having no energy, losing strength, and never having further touchpoints from the doc to ensure they are getting all their essential vitamins and minerals that their incomplete diet isn’t giving them.
Do we really think that a diet where we have to take additional pills to cover our essential needs for nutrition sounds like the way we were evolutionarily designed to eat?!
As Brandon would say, “C’mon Man?!”
This list goes on though…
This year we must be plant based, with zero sugar, but also be in ketosis if we want to be healthy!
But wait! We can be healthy at any size yet obesity is the number one risk factor for mortality when it comes to Covid! And just about any other disease out there...
And not to mention animal products cause global warming! And it kills animals!
So now not only are these foods hurting us but if you don't toe the line with new diet fads we’re not virtuous and morally sound human beings!
Who knew we could take diet culture to the level of moral paths of righteousness?!
I gotta say I didn’t see that one coming...
But obviously the plant based warriors know that there’s NO WAY scaling plant production and consumption to the level of all human needs would have NO unforeseeable consequences on our health, our atmosphere, and animal habitats, right?!
I mean, no one would ever continue to deforrest our planet for the sake of palm oil in the name of profits to harvest the latest and greatest food diet craze? Right?
I mean, no company wouldn’t already be growing foods like bananas and coffee at the expense of livable wages and decent working conditions of third world countries and their peoples would they?!
But I digress… Back to the food…
Who knows, maybe fats will go out of style again like the 90’s and we’ll be left with only protein, but again, can’t get protein from animals, has to be plants, but can’t have carbs even though plants are primarily carbs…because ya know...Gotta be in ketosis…
Is water getting cancelled next?
Do you see where I am going with this?
It’s time to cancel diet culture.
It’s time to teach people lifestyle eating habits.
It’s time to show people that carbs, fats, and proteins all play essential building blocks in our bodies.
That we can have our health in one hand and a fulfilling lifestyle in the other. One that allows us to have that bottle of wine with the significant other worry free and still having the physiology we desire.
It’s time to show people that there is no ONE food enemy that is preventing us from having our ideal health and lifestyle we want, but a diet CULTURE that keeps failing us time and time again…
Diet culture tries, that’s for sure. It sucks you in again and again with a new common enemy, a new opportunity, and a unique mechanism that is guaranteed to solve all your problems.
It’s time to discuss that yes, we should try to be a healthy individual so we can contribute maximally to society but also realize that our mortality is finite so we don’t need to care so much that we let life go by in the sake of preserving this body that will inevitably turn back to dust.
Everything in life is about being in the middle of the yin and yang!
The solution to every problem resides somewhere in the middle. Not on your side or their side or my side.
The solution to leading the highest quality of life for most of us resides somewhere in the middle of the yin and yang.
Too much of one food can be bad, yes! But too little of that can be bad too!
Our diet isn’t a one size fits all fix.
It’s not even a diet.
It’s a lifestyle.
One side of it we’re saying, “I’ll take continual personal responsibility for my health” but on the other saying, “not to the point that I miss out on life”…
Too little responsibility and you’re answering to a predetermined fate of hospital visits, medications, and a lifelong battle of feeling like shit.
And too much obsession and you’ll ostracize family, friends, and your own mental health, without even noticing!
There isn’t a one size fix or hack for everyone. There is YOU carving out YOUR ideal lifestyle.
And whether you take action or not, you’re answering to a certain outcome.
We are all answering to one guaranteed outcome, our mortality. So do the things that are going to provide you the most value to squeeze out all of the good stuff in the middle.
It’s time to cancel diet culture and bring in the new age of creating our own ideal lifestyle culture.
Because how can we solve the problems of the world if we can’t solve our own problems first?
Hey you. Do you struggle with your weight?
Have you lost weight only to gain it back? You’re not the only one. Want to know why? Because most people don’t have a weight loss problem, they have a weight REGAIN problem. Think about it, you lost weight before, right? So losing isn’t the problem, it’s learning how to avoid gaining it back! Which is why you should sign up for our free WEIGHT REGAIN MASTER class. Why should you? Well, because it’s going to show you how to lose weight AND maintain it by eating more food. Sounding too good to be true? That’s what all of our athletes said until they learned how to maintain their weight loss while eating sometimes upwards of 1,000 more calories a day and not gaining a single pound back. So it’s your choice! If you don’t sign up for it, no sweat. We’ll just be over here crushing permanent results with our athletes and you’ll be left with nothing more than FOMO! ;)
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